In the world of IT and cybersecurity, a question frequently arises: should organizations choose vendors that have never experienced a breach, or should they consider vendors who have faced and remediated security breaches? This dilemma can be likened to the classic “chicken or the egg” scenario. Let’s dive into the intricacies of this issue by examining both sides, using examples from notable vendors like Microsoft, AnyDesk, and TeamViewer, and offering insight into how NextGen IT Advisors can guide businesses in making informed decisions.

The Case for Vendors with a Clean Slate


  1. Perception of Security: Vendors who have never experienced a breach are often perceived as more secure and reliable. This perception can be crucial for organizations looking to maintain their own reputation and trustworthiness.
  2. Potentially Lower Risk: Without a history of breaches, there may be an assumption that these vendors have robust security measures in place that have successfully mitigated threats.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Some industries may have regulations that favor or require working with vendors who have clean security records, ensuring compliance and reducing liability.


  1. Unknown Resilience: A vendor with no history of breaches has not been tested in the real-world scenario of a cyberattack. Their response capability remains theoretical.
  2. Complacency Risk: Without the experience of dealing with a breach, there’s a risk that these vendors may become complacent in their security measures, believing their existing protocols are sufficient without continuous improvement.

The Case for Vendors Who Have Experienced and Remediated Breaches


  1. Proven Resilience: Vendors that have successfully managed and remediated breaches have demonstrated their ability to respond effectively to cyber incidents, which can be a critical factor in the decision-making process.
  2. Improved Security Measures: Post-breach, vendors often significantly enhance their security protocols. This means they might have stronger defenses compared to those who have never faced a breach.
  3. Transparency and Accountability: Vendors who openly address their breaches and share their remediation steps build trust through transparency and accountability.


  1. Initial Perception: Choosing a vendor with a history of breaches can be seen as risky, especially if stakeholders are concerned about the potential for repeat incidents.
  2. Reputational Damage: Despite remediation, the past breach might have lingering effects on the vendor’s reputation, which can impact the organizations that choose to partner with them.

Case Studies: Microsoft, AnyDesk, and TeamViewer

In 2021, Microsoft faced a significant security incident when the SolarWinds hack exposed vulnerabilities within its systems. However, Microsoft’s swift and comprehensive response, including transparency about the breach and steps taken to mitigate it, showcased its resilience and commitment to security. Today, Microsoft continues to be a leader in cybersecurity, with enhanced protocols and a robust security infrastructure.

Remote desktop software provider AnyDesk experienced a breach that highlighted vulnerabilities in its system. Post-breach, AnyDesk implemented stringent security measures and improved their software’s security features. Their proactive approach post-incident has reassured many users about their commitment to security.

TeamViewer, another remote desktop software provider, was targeted by cybercriminals in 2016. The company responded by overhauling its security framework and introducing two-factor authentication, among other measures. This incident emphasized the importance of continuous improvement in security practices and transparency with users.

Making the Decision: Key Considerations

When deciding whether to choose a vendor with a clean security record or one that has remediated a breach, organizations should consider the following:

  1. Security Posture and Protocols: Evaluate the current security measures and protocols of the vendor, not just their history. A vendor with a robust, updated security framework post-breach may be more secure than one that has never been tested.
  2. Transparency and Communication: Consider the vendor’s transparency about their security practices and past incidents. Vendors that communicate openly about their security posture and improvements can build greater trust.
  3. Compliance and Industry Standards: Ensure the vendor complies with industry standards and regulatory requirements, which can provide additional assurance of their commitment to security.
  4. Reputation and References: Look for customer testimonials and references that speak to the vendor’s reliability and security, especially post-breach.

How NextGen IT Advisors Can Help

NextGen IT Advisors understands the complexities of selecting the right vendors and managing IT security. Here’s how we can assist:

  1. Vendor Assessment: We provide comprehensive assessments of potential vendors, evaluating their security measures, history of breaches, and remediation efforts.
  2. Risk Management: Our team helps organizations develop risk management strategies, ensuring that they are prepared for potential vendor-related security issues.
  3. Security Consultation: NextGen IT Advisors offers expert consultation on improving internal security practices and ensuring that chosen vendors meet stringent security criteria.
  4. Continuous Monitoring: We provide continuous monitoring and support to ensure that both the organization’s and its vendors’ security postures remain robust over time.

In conclusion, the decision to choose a vendor with a clean security record or one that has remediated a breach is nuanced. Both options have their pros and cons, and the right choice depends on a thorough evaluation of the vendor’s current security measures, transparency, and commitment to continuous improvement. With NextGen IT Advisors by your side, you can make informed decisions that enhance your organization’s security and resilience in an ever-evolving cyber landscape.

Calls to Action:

By leveraging our expertise and services, you can navigate the complexities of IT security with confidence and ensure that your organization is well-protected in today’s dynamic cyber environment.